When You Don’t Fit In At Work

Cultural fit has always been an important, and intriguing, issue in the workplace. We’ve likely all experienced it from time to time, some more than others, perhaps. I put up with a poor workplace culture fit for about five years, very intentionally, because I knew that the experience of having worked at a Fortune 500 corporation would pay off in future work with clients. At the end, however, the culture (stagnant, transactional, and of severe leadership insecurities) did not allow me to continue growing as a person and a professional. Eventually, I opted out of that culture for many of the same reasons highlighted in this blog post (and the accompanying article). Great post from Tina and the PPM Blog!

Practical Practice Management A Division of Top Practices

Italy Sept 2012 006

I thought that I would re-post this because I have been working with some employees that are struggling with the feeling that they do not fit in at their place of employment.  I am sure this happens more that we realize and possible there could be people who work where you do that are feeling this same way.

When You Don’t Fit In At Work

Workplace culture can be quite interesting.  You may fit in very well, or you may not.  Then there are some who do not want to fit in no matter what.

What happens if you like your job, but don’t fit in with the culture?

Maybe the workplace culture is pretty chummy, and co-workers go out of their way to “click” with each other because “belonging” feels so good.

You on the other hand, do not have the need to belong.  You have your own group…

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